
I started putting videos on you tube back in November for a bit of a laugh and in the hope of promoting the club. I just cast my eye over the stats on some of the videos and am amazed that this one has been viewed 1,169 times in nearly 5 months 🙂

Here’s the tree this week by way of update.

Recovering from dog attack!

Last September my dog Smudge took a fancy to the apples on this Malus. He waited for them to ripen first of course 🙂

Here it is before he munched them.

and after…

and the guilty looking culprit.

This is the tree today. A few of the more mauled branches didn’t have any tip buds to open. I have been watching it for signs of new buds and today I founds loads. It looks as if it will back bud strongly, perhaps Smudge did me a favour 🙂

The back budding. Looks like a little pair of but cheeks at the bottom 🙂

and some of the flower buds. I was going to remove them but to be honest the tree is responding that strongly, I don’t think I’ll bother for now. I might remove the fruit if that changes.

Spotted these

Dragged out shopping earlier and I spotted these sitting outside Pounder Stretcher. I’m always on the lookout for decent looking pots to put collected material into. Wash hand basins are a bit unsightly sitting around the place. These were £1.99 each with a nice wide top and a bit of depth to allow for heavy roots at the base. The plastic is hard and has no give in it, ideal for what I want them for. All I need to do is drill them for drainage.

Little Corky

The little Corky Bark Elm I got from Willowbog last time around had budded after repotting into its new pot.