Hawthorn Hedge Moth Infestation

Some of the Hawthorn hedges local to me have been stripped bare of leaves and are covered in white webbing. A few weeks ago it was at it’s peak. Today I managed to stop and take a closer look. I found the leaves starting to grow back but the tree was heaving of pupa. I took a few shots and even pulled a bundle of them out for a closer look.

On my return home I googled it and it’s either Ermine moth or Hairy Brown Tail Moth, which I was unwise to even touch!! Seemingly these infestations come in cycles but in my life time I haven’t seen this before. Anybody else seen this before. I saw a 500 metre long  hedge last week with not a single leaf on it!





Swallowtail Moth

This flew out of my Beech the other day.

Today’s Walk

in photos…

Belfast Lough





In the cool of the trees.


Wild Rose


Poser 🙂


What’s he found?









Leinster Bonsai

Just a few personal words on the new Leinster Bonsai Club. Last night was the first meeting and I made my way down along with Phil to help them get the ball rolling.

There was 18 of us on the night and what an enthusiastic bunch they were. Well done to Owen for setting up the meeting and I hope this is the first of many great nights with them.

It was fun watching things come together on the night, starting with the Bingo Battle. Turns out the Bingo folk reserve the right to park in all the spaces at the hall!!

Once we got the business end over with, bonsai took over and as you can see below, Phil and I had to hide behind the table after a barrage of questions 🙂

Onwards and upwards for Bonsai in Ireland.

Hide, they are asking more questions!


24 Hours to Bonsai in Leinster

Well, we are almost there, only 24 hours until the first meeting of the Leinster Bonsai Club in Balbriggan.

Phil and I are popping down there for the evening, should be good craic with a reasonable crowd going, if everyone turns up who says they are going.

Exciting stuff seeing a club get off the ground again in the biggest city in Ireland. Great potential. Phil and I are offering support on behalf of the Northern Ireland Bonsai Society as well as going for our own fun and enjoyment.

A few of those attending have asked for a few sale trees to be brought so we will throw a few bits and pieces in the van but we are also bringing a tree each for display. We are hoping most people attending will bring a tree with them to make the night a bit special.

If you are planning on coming along and are reading this, help spread the word on social media.

Spirea in Flower




Stolen Bonsai Toronto

Sharing this post from Lakeshore Bonsai

Stolen American Larch Bonsai

This old American larch (tamarack) bonsai, along with two others, was stolen from a private collection in Toronto on June 23rd, 2014.

If you have seen this distinct bonsai, please contact the owner Elisabeth Leslie ewleslie[at]icloud.com


Stolen American larch bonsai.

Satsuki Flower Removal

The best was past for my Satsuki Azalea and it was time to remove the flowers to help conserve a little strength. It took a while but I got the all, just always make sure you get the seed pod too. These are the four flower types on this tree.


The aftermath!



Now I have to look at this for the rest of the year 😦
