Hawthorn Hedge Moth Infestation

Some of the Hawthorn hedges local to me have been stripped bare of leaves and are covered in white webbing. A few weeks ago it was at it’s peak. Today I managed to stop and take a closer look. I found the leaves starting to grow back but the tree was heaving of pupa. I took a few shots and even pulled a bundle of them out for a closer look.

On my return home I googled it and it’s either Ermine moth or Hairy Brown Tail Moth, which I was unwise to even touch!! Seemingly these infestations come in cycles but in my life time I haven’t seen this before. Anybody else seen this before. I saw a 500 metre long  hedge last week with not a single leaf on it!





Swallowtail Moth

This flew out of my Beech the other day.