Surely Not!!

The weather forecast says there might be snow tonight, surely not!! I’ve just spent an hour making sure I don’t get caught out. Anything repotted is tucked away.

Whilst I was looking around I noticed a lot of trees that need some attention. Fingers crossed the rain let’s up tomorrow and I can get a bit done.

I  managed to get some new Fern screening up this morning before the rain. I ripped down the reed screen that I had been using as a backdrop for my bonsai display area. I was going to change to bamboo as the reeds rot very quickly, then I spotted the fern screening which is hardier and a better colour.

Here’s the old reed screen.

This is it with the reed away.

This is the Fern screen, a better colour that won’t fade either.

This is it mostly up. The rain stopped play. I have one section left to do and then power washer time and a good weeding below the benches.

Off to the NI Bonsai Society meeting tonight. Not really a meeting any more, it’s more of a workshop and that seems to be what people want. The last 3 nights have been packed out the door. I’m wondering if tonight will be quieter with the heavy rain. I’ll have to wait and see.

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