BSA Exhibition 2012 – Accents

Going to try and work my way through the photos I have taken over the weekend and add them here is some sort of order.

I’ll start with my favourite accents from the show.


Thanks …

… to all of you here and on Facebook, email etc for your kinds words about my Award at the BSA Exhibition.

I’m still here at Willowbog chilling after a great weekend. You only have to read the feedback on the forums to see just how good the standard of trees was. I personally found the best bit was getting to meet so many of you who I have only really known through the internet. It was also good to catch up with some old friends too.

I have hundreds of photos to share and some video as well. It’ll take me a day or two to get sorted and get these posted when I get home. I’m off collecting on Tuesday which will slow things down as well.

Here’s a few to whet your appetite. Can’t post too many or Peter’s internet connection will be cut off for the rest of the month 🙂

Shocked, Stunned, Delighted!

Great day at Willowbog yesterday. The BSA Exhibition was in full flow and I was able to catch up with some folk I’ve only ever met online. Hoping to spend a little more time with them and some others today.

Got the shock of my life last night when my Japanese Maple won the Best Deciduous Chuhin in Show!! Even managed to drop the trophy on the table.

The overall winner was Ritta and Mark Cooper’s stunning Shohin display. To be honest anyone of their display could have won it.

A few more photos, not too many as I’m using up most of Peter’s Upload limit as it is 🙂


Let the Wee Trees Begin

Watching the cars arrive at Willowbog for the Exhibition today. A lovely dry day, really looking forward to some craic 🙂

BSA Final Preparation

Well, I made it to Willowbog for the BSA Show. The final adjustments are being made to fit everything in. I’m told that the standard id up yet again with many of the trees being exhibited for the first time. It’s my first time here and I’m really impressed.

I took a few photos tonight in bad light to give you a quick feel for the set up and standard. The camera will be busy tomorrow!!

The Croc Brothers 🙂

Time permitting, I’ll try and give an update tomorrow.

Good start to our trip!


This is the front of our local paper this morning! Stenna, who we are sailing with, had a ferry rammed by a drunk captain in Belfast Lough yesterday!! Wish us luck 🙂

One week from now….

I’ll be getting on the boat to head over to the BSA Exhibition.

It’s been great to hear from folk on the forums who are making the trip up to Willowbog, quite a few by the looks of it. Looking forward to meeting some old friends [Boxy :-)] and some new ones. Quite a few that I know from the world wide web as well but have as yet never met face to face. God help them when they see my face 😀

4 weeks to go….

.. until the British Shohin Association 6th Exhibition at Willowbog Bonsai. Unless things change dramatically, I fully intend to be there.

Here  is the latest report/update direct from the BSA.


BSA 6th Annual Exhibit

As I sit here waiting for my trees to waken up in the Spring I can’t help but look forward to the forth coming British Shohin Association Exhibition. I plan to make the trip over to this in March and maybe even get a tree exhibited.

I have made many new friends through this blog and this will be an opportunity for me to actually meet a few face to face. To get in the mood I’m going to share a few photos from past Exhibitions.

This is a short View clip of the show display area.