Bertie’s Beauties

I called over to see Bertie yesterday in a successful attempt to avoid shopping with my wife. We spent a very enjoyable hour or so sitting among his bonsai chatting and even playing around with a tree. As you walk up the steps to Bertie’s tree area, this is what greets you.

Like myself, he is struggling this year to keep on top of the weeds! Never had a year like it for unwanted accents!! Anyway I used my old faithful portable backdrop to photograph some of his smaller trees.

This Cotoneaster in a decent pot next year will be a cracker little tree.

Another Cotoneaster that I repotted with Bertie earlier in the year is doing well.

Japanese Maple

A nice little Hornbeam.

A sumo Spindle.

His cracking little Satsuki


Another as yet unstyled Larch that I just love.

A nice Scottie

and to finish off, a lovely Potentilla