Camera out Again

I was playing around with the camera again today. Getting a few better snaps of my trees. Also tried a slightly different lighting set up. It’s still a bit Mickey Mouse, but it’ll do.

Just about Ripe

Looks like my Crab Apple is just about fully ripe. It was at this point last year that the dog ate the lot!!

There’s a local Flower Show this weekend that the Club supports. This one should go down well with the public.

Autumn Creeping in…

What a strange year it’s been for our trees. I’m seeing signs of Autumn all around the garden and not always where you would expect it.

This is one of my Crab Apples, well on the way to leaf drop.

This is a Beech Forest that belongs to my friend Josh. One of the stragglers still to make it home after the Summer care. If you are wondering what the yellow bit is, it’s a rope off a kids swing that has been wound around the slate edge for a year to allow loose soil from the repot to mesh together.

This is my Hawthorn Raft already dropping leaves, not much in the way of colour though.

This Rhododendron usually only flowers in March. Over the last week or so it’s had flowers opening. They started at the extreme right and have been working their way back along the tree.

Top Shelf Malus

By calling this a top shelf Malus, I am not referring to it’s quality! I’m referring to the fact that I now keep it on the top shelf of my benching to keep my dogs from eating the apples 😀

The story behind this decision can be read here :  Recovering from Dog Attack!

This was the tree today. It’s one of my novelty trees. I bought it to add a splash of flowering colour to my collection and an interest in the Autumn with it’s fruit. If the right tree or piece of raw material comes along, I’ll maybe get a better one. It hasn’t quite recovered from the dog attack of last Autumn but I’m just happy it survived.

Recovering from dog attack!

Last September my dog Smudge took a fancy to the apples on this Malus. He waited for them to ripen first of course 🙂

Here it is before he munched them.

and after…

and the guilty looking culprit.

This is the tree today. A few of the more mauled branches didn’t have any tip buds to open. I have been watching it for signs of new buds and today I founds loads. It looks as if it will back bud strongly, perhaps Smudge did me a favour 🙂

The back budding. Looks like a little pair of but cheeks at the bottom 🙂

and some of the flower buds. I was going to remove them but to be honest the tree is responding that strongly, I don’t think I’ll bother for now. I might remove the fruit if that changes.