Dancing Hawthorn

This Hawthorn was named the Dancer by Mike Jones a few years back when I first showed it here. It’s kind of stuck with that for me 🙂 It’s still early days in the branch development. I gave it a little thinning out a few days ago, removing straight, fat or unattractive branches.

2 comments on “Dancing Hawthorn

  1. Nice one. What hawthorn kind is this exactly? White or pink flowers? I really love the pink flowers (crataegus laevigata), but it doesn’t naturally grow where I live and is too expensive to get 😦

    I think it’s time to also form/style/adjust the branches:

    What do you say?


    • Thanks for the virtual my friend. I smiled when I saw it, I have already planned to do a little wiring to adjust a few branches, especially the bottom left one. Some of the secondary ramifications here and there needs opened out slightly as well. however much of what you suggest, and what I want, will only come with time and growth.

      All my hawthorn are yamadori collected here in Ireland where they grow wild. The variety is Crataegus Monogyna, buy we see much variation in the wild among them. It has a white flower with a slight shade of pink that disappears as the flower ages. We also see some hawthorn that have a finer branch structure which are great for bonsai. They also have a finer leaf. This is one of them. The only drawback is that they are slower to produce flowers. This one has still to flower for me.

      Thanks for taking the time to comment.


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