Welsh Yew

Another Yew that got thinned out today.



Mario’s Wee Ones

You would think I had no trees of my own 🙂 As I have some of Mario’s bonsai to look after for a few years while he’s in Dubai, I gave them a check today to see how tight the wire was. Both his little White Pine and his Juniper needed to have the wire removed.  Not a big job, here they are after wire removal.

The very top bit of foliage on the Juniper is a sacrifice branch that will be made into jin to match the rest of the tree once it has thickened sufficiently.

Art of Bonsai in Japan 10

Happy days, I thought they had switched to Japanese Gardens 😀

This is a great one looking at Japanese White Pine. Interesting to hear how they feed them to control needle length in Japan.

Click on the image to view on You Tube.

Some Out… Some In….

Now that Josh’s trees are nearly all away home again after holiday care, I have just taken possession of Brian’s trees while he floats around on a Narrow Boat for a few weeks.

He dropped off his trees yesterday, and today I moved a few around the benches to make better use of space. I took this opportunity to take a few photos.

This is his Alder.

Shohin Pyracantha

Chamaecyparis Obtusa

Golden Yew

Brian lives in an exposed spot along the shore and has struggled to keep a few species in good health since he moved there I few years ago. He says ‘enough is enough’ and is now selling a few of them. This Beech is one of them. You can see that the leaves had been severely wind burned this year but the tree has put out another flush. Obviously a strong tree.

He has left them with me for care and to sell. A few others as well if anyone locally is interested. A beech group, a cascade juniper, Korean Hornbeam, Fuji Cherry and a Chinese Juniper.