Elm Air Layer Removal

My mate Stephen brought this Elm along last night to get the layer removed. He would have done it himself but I have a nice fine tooth saw 🙂 You can see the layer being applied in the original post below.


As you can see the tree has grown well since then.

On removal of the black plastic and cling film, we were delighted to see a profusion of new roots within the moss.

After a quick swish of my saw…

Now the contrived apex has been removed, Stephen will be concentrating on developing a new apex in a more natural form to suit the tree. The air layer itself is going to make a lovely little semi cascade. I’ll keep you updated here with how it goes.

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Juniper Maintenance

I had a few mates around last night for some bonsai craic in my garage.

Before we got started on everyone else’s trees, I lifted in this Juniper of a pinching. It has grown really well this year after a repot and is quick to get out of shape if not maintained.

We had a little session towards the end of the night were 4 of us sat around a tree and talked through it’s good and bad points. This was really productive and enjoyed by everyone, beginners and experienced alike. It was amazing when Stan, new to bonsai, suggested a new front for this tree and I actually had to admit that it was a great option. God I love bonsai 🙂

This is it before.

and after pinching…