Very Old Mountain Hemlock Styling-

Michael Hagedorn

This antique tree was collected some years ago by Anton Nijhuis of Vancouver Island, Canada, and was recently brought to Oregon, USA. We reworked it here last week for a client. The dynamism of the low descending branch and its bumping movement definitely made for a fun styling. We couldn’t wait to finish it!

Curiously, the entire tree is a rooted branch. It has somewhat larger needles than most Mountain Hemlocks have, and Anton said that it seemed like a strain of hemlock localized to that one mountain, and he’d not seen it elsewhere.

Here’s a photo essay of our restyling. Enjoy!

DSC_0674 This was the Mountain Hemlock before we did anything.

DSC_0679 …after shortening a few jins and tipping the tree to our new inclination, and finding our front. Like so many front choices, it was a balancing of goods and bads…

DSC_0682 Bobby refining a jin.

DSC_0706 …wiring from the bottom up…

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Winter Image: Trident Maple

